5 Ways to Feed Your Immune System This Month

A new year usually means a new challenge for improving your health, especially during the winter months when staying healthy becomes a top priority. Which is why The Mushroom Council® is kicking off another year of Feed Your Immune System. We know the immune system is vital to your holistic health and well-being, but what exactly is it and how can we feed it? With so much information out there, it can be hard to know where to start and to know what is actually beneficial.
Let’s dive in deeper together and discover what you can do to feed your immune system this month and every month. 👇
What is the immune system?
Immune system: The immune system is a complicated network of cells, tissues and organs in your body that protect against infection and disease. Given that there are so many pieces to the puzzle, there’s not one easy fix that can transform a weak immune system into a strong one in a snap of the fingers, but nutrition certainly plays an important role in its function.
How can I support my immune system?
- Add a variety of fruits, vegetables and fungi to your plate. Fruits, veggies and mushrooms contain important micronutrients that are vital to supporting your immune system.
- Make a batch of sipping broth for extra nutrients and a soothing way to keep a cold at bay.
- Vary your protein routine. Mixing up your daily protein intake is a good way to bring in key macro and micronutrients. Think chicken, salmon, beef, pork, eggs, yogurt, etc.
- Consume less sodium, fat and added sugar.
- Make half your grains whole grain.
Follow us on the Mushroom Council’s social channels to get more #FeedYourImmuneSystem recipes, tips and tricks.