Mushrooms for National Burger Month?

Mushrooms for National Burger Month? That’s right: mushrooms are on the menu for National Burger Month.
Everyone loves burgers topped with mushrooms, but we’re taking things up a notch by blending mushrooms into burgers (a.k.a. the blended burger).
New to blended burgers? Already love ‘em? Either way, let us help you find the blended burger of your dreams (yes, dreams). How? Just take our super-scientific and accurate (read: not scientific at all) blended burger quiz on
After discovering your perfect blended burger, you’ll unlock directions to enter to win a Ninja Food Processor + a $100 Whole Foods gift card. Does it get any better?
Happy (Blended) Burger Month, mushroom fans!
Recipes to Include Mushrooms for National Burger Month
Don’t need a quiz to tell you what you want to eat? Peruse our recipe library of blended burger recipes and choose the burger (or burgers!) you’ll be grilling up for National Burger Month.